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Hostel General Rule

1. Admission :-

  1. Only those students can seek admission in hostel who will appear in merit list of school conducted entrance exam.
  2. Age : Minimum age for admission in hostel for class VI is 10 year.

2. Fees :-


S.No. Class Slush Fund Caution Money Total Fee at the time of admission (I - Installment) Total Fee by oct. 15 (II - Installment)
1 6th To 8th ₹ 2,000 ₹ 5,000 ₹ 60,000 ₹ 40,000
2 9th To 12th ₹ 2,000 ₹ 5,000 ₹ 60,000 ₹ 50,000
  1. School fee will be paid in addition to hostel fee. which will be paid quarterly.
  2. Hostel fee can be deposited by Bank Draft, CBS cheque or cash in school office. Any other type of money order will not be accepted. The fixed fees should be deposited in due time. Rs. 500/- will have to be deposited if the second premium is not paid in due time and the student can be send back home if the fee is not deposited even after one month.
  3. Deposit fees will not be return in any condition.
  4. All dues are fixed every year. New fixed fee will have to be paid in the new session.
  5. Fee for food, refreshment, milk, washing, games, entertainment, furniture, first aid, extra class, cleanliness, a carnation, local tours are including in hostel fee. Special and other expenses will be borne by the student himself.

Deposit Money : Every Hostellers will have to deposit Rs. 2000/- in children Bank. This money may be spent for their needs by the permission of the warden.

Caution Money : At the time of the admission every student will have to deposit Rs. 2000/-, which will be refunded while leaving the Hostel.

Identity Card : The guardian will have to submit duly attested photo I-Card like voter ID, DL etc.

Session : The session of the Hostel starts according to the session of the school i.e. 1 April to 31 March.

Rustication : The student can be rusticated from hostel due to the following reasons.

  1. Failing in examination.
  2. Not depositing hostel fee in time.
  3. Any conduct of indiscipline, misbehavior and leaving hostel without pre information.
  4. Lack of co-operation from the guardian.
  5. Use of Mobile.

Note : The Hostel will not be responsible for any mishappening although there is full security in the hostel. Are of jurisdiction will be Mathura only.

Arrangement of meeting with student

  1. Parents can meet the student on the last Sunday from 8 A.M. to 2 P.M. and any pre information given by the school. Food facility will be available only to parents and siblings. Others may avail the facility on payment basis. It is not possible to meet the child in any condition except on last Sunday.
  2. Only those can meet the child whose photo I-Card has been submitted. Other persons can meet only with them.
  3. Parent should contact warden in his office. They are not allowed to go directly in Hostel or rooms.
  4. Lodging is generally not available.
  5. Don't give any eatable to the students.
  6. Valuable things should not be given to the students like ring, chain, mobile etc.
  7. Contact by phone is only possible on Sunday between 9 A.M. to 11 A.M. only once. In special (condition) circumstance contact will be possible only by the permission of the warden.
  8. Extra money should not be given to the student.
  9. Don't admit the student in the hostel if the student is not satisfied by the arrangements, rules and routine of the hostel.

Note : Frequent meeting restricts the progress of the students. They feels nostalgic after meeting. So make him happy only by phone.

Mr. Shivendra Gautam


Mr. Shyam Prakash Pandey


Arrangement of leaving and taking the student from Hostel

It is the responsibility of the parents to take and leave the student from the hostel. It will be decided by the school when will the student go home. Pre information will be given to the students.

  1. Don't take any letter seriously if it is not properly signed by the warden.
  2. The student will not send alone in any condition. Permission from the principal will be compulsory for any kind of concession.

Leave from Hostel

Leave granted by the principal, can be taken, It will be considered indiscipline If the student remains absent without any information after the fixed duration of leave. Don't make him stay at home unnecessarily. Application of parents is compulsory in special condition leave will be granted in the following special cases except prescribed holidays. Holidays are provided on festivals.

  1. Illness of the Student.
  2. Marriage of elder brother or sister (Please enclose a wedding card along with application)

Note :-

  1. In above condition, only identified persons can take the ward.
  2. Leave will not be given at the time of examination, national festivals and the annual function of the school.

Hostel Rules and Guidelines

  1. The students accomplish all the activities according to a fixed routine. ward.
  2. No student is allowed to Keep mobile phone, Cell phoneand any other Electronic Communication device in the hostel Campus.
  3. The permission of hostel warden is necessary to enter or leave the hostel.
  4. The request of change of room will not be accepted without Hostel warden's permission.
  5. The students are not allowed to bringcostly things/Equipment in the hostel.
  6. It is necessary for all the students to follow the daily routine fixed by hostel authorities.
  7. In case of any type of indiscipline, a warning letter is issued to the students. If the student is found involved in any case of indiscipline for the second time, there is also a provision of removing his name from hostel register and he may be asked to leave the hostel.